Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cracker Barrel Restaurant Under Investigation 

Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cracker Barrel Restaurant Under Investigation. Credit | Getty Images
Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cracker Barrel Restaurant Under Investigation. Credit | Getty Images

United States: Inquiries are underway by the Kankakee County Health Department and Illinois Department of Public Health into an epidemic of Salmonella afflictions linked to a Cracker Barrel eatery. 

As of May 14, the county’s health department had detected eight individuals who had ingested victuals crafted at the establishment situated at 50 Ken Hayes Dr in Bourbonnais suffering from Salmonella infections

Cracker Barrel opted to shutter the eatery voluntarily on May 4 and is actively collaborating with the county’s health department to ascertain the origin of the outbreaks. A meticulous environmental evaluation of Cracker Barrel was conducted by the department, along with dispensation of counsel on prudent food handling protocols and environmental sanitization to impede further propagation of infection, as per the reports by Food Safety News.  

An advisory regarding the outbreak has also been dispatched to local medical practitioners by the county’s health department, including medical counsel. 

Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cracker Barrel Restaurant Under Investigation. Credit | Shutterstock
Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cracker Barrel Restaurant Under Investigation. Credit | Shutterstock

The county health department is vigilantly monitoring for any additional accounts of infirmity. Should you undergo gastrointestinal infections post-consumption of fare from this establishment, reach out to the department at 815-802-9400 extension 3 to lodge a suspected instance of foodborne illness. 

What exactly are Salmonella Infections? 

Comestibles tainted with Salmonella microorganisms generally do not manifest any evident signs of spoilage in terms of appearance, odor, or flavor. Salmonella infection can befall anyone. Infants, juveniles, seniors, and individuals with compromised immune systems are particularly susceptible to severe malaise owing to their vulnerability, as delineated by the CDC

Individuals who have partaken of victuals at the eatery and evince symptoms indicative of Salmonella infection ought to pursue medical attention, as per Food Safety News.  

Aforementioned afflicted individuals ought to apprise their healthcare providers regarding potential exposure to Salmonella microorganisms as specialized examinations are requisite for the diagnosis of salmonellosis. Symptoms of Salmonella infection may bear semblance to other infections, thereby often precipitating misdiagnosis. 

Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cracker Barrel Restaurant Under Investigation. Credit | Getty Images
Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cracker Barrel Restaurant Under Investigation. Credit | Getty Images

Symptoms of Salmonella infection may encompass gastroenteritis, abdominal spasms, and pyrexia within a timeframe of 12 to 72 hours post-consumption of tainted victuals. Otherwise, healthy adults typically endure infirmity for a duration spanning four to seven days. Nevertheless, in select instances, diarrheal episodes may be of such severity as to necessitate hospitalization, the reports by Food Safety News claimed.  

Elderly individuals, minors, expectant mothers, and individuals with debilitated immune systems, such as those grappling with malignancy, are in augmented jeopardy of succumbing to severe infirmity and grave, occasionally life-threatening complications. 

Certain individuals may contract the infection sans manifestation of symptoms or discernible disease. Nonetheless, they remain potential disseminators of the contagion to others.